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Game Development Projects

Treasure Island v.0.2

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An exciting Unreal Engine 5.1 game that immerses players in a captivating adventure set on an island inspired by the magnificent Dunnottar Castle on the north-eastern coast of Scotland. As the player explores the island, they must navigate through treacherous environments and discover hidden treasure chests containing at least 250 coins. However, dangers lurk both inside and around the castles, adding an element of suspense and challenge. Players can also collect gems, which serve as valuable resources for transportation and health.

The landscape was meticulously created and enhanced with rock static meshes, utilizing nanites and RVT in the cliffs to seamlessly blend the landscape and the rocks. Foliage was added to bring the island to life, creating a visually stunning environment. The game features various menus, including the Win Menu, Game Over Menu, MyHUD, Main Menu, and Pause Menu, each implemented with Blueprint logic to provide a seamless user experience.

To enrich the island, detailed models of castle buildings, chests, and other elements were added to the environment. An engaging animation was created for the opening of treasure chests, allowing players to interact with them and gain valuable points. A castle was meticulously designed for players to explore and discover treasure rooms. Additionally, an enemy AI system was developed, complete with multiple animations. The AI enemy actively scans the room, and upon spotting the player, it will chase and attack, posing a threat to the player's progress. While a minor issue persists, where the enemy stops chasing the player if the player stops, it currently adds an enjoyable glitch for players to encounter.

To enhance gameplay, three power-up gems were introduced, enabling the player to perform super jumps, gain super speed, and increase health. Checkpoints were strategically placed throughout the level, allowing the player to save progress at different locations. Doors with opening animations were implemented, adding a sense of realism and interactivity.

Throughout the island, players will encounter gems and enemies, providing additional challenges and rewards. The win condition requires the player to collect 200 coins, providing a clear objective and a sense of accomplishment. A key mechanic was implemented, requiring the player to find and collect keys to unlock specific doors. The UI was updated to display the key when the player obtains it.

In this updated version, Treasure Island V0.2, players can now immerse themselves in a more refined and engaging experience. The game's foundation has been further fortified, leveraging the power of Unreal Engine 5.1 to bring you an even more immersive and visually stunning world.

New features introduced in Treasure Island V0.2:

Enhanced Menus and Player Customization: Main Title Menu, Pause Menu, Win Menu, and Game Over Menu have been upgraded for a more immersive experience. A Settings menu now allows players to select resolutions from Low to Ultra, tailoring visuals to their preferences. Seamless transitions between menus for a smoother user experience.

Nanite-Powered Foliage Detail: Foliage on the island is now enriched with nanites technology, delivering higher performance and lifelike detail.

Dynamic Gem Respawn: Gems now respawn over time, offering players fresh opportunities to collect valuable resources and activate their powers.