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Here are some of my

Software Development Projects

C# portfolio

Throughout this portfolio, I have showcased a diverse range of projects that demonstrate my skills and expertise in various C# programming concepts and technologies.

I have developed console applications, such as the Daily Report, AICP, CarInsuranceBool, ShippingQuotePackage, and ConsoleAppAssignment_AE. These projects involved working with user input, conditional statements, loops, and data manipulation to solve different tasks and provide useful functionalities.

In the realm of object-oriented programming, I have created projects like While_DoWhile_Statement, ArraySubApp, CallingMethod, MainMethod, MethodSub, MethodClass, ClassMethodsSub, MethodsAndObjects, AbstractClass, Polymorphism, OverloadOperators, GenericParameters, ParsingEnums, Lambda, and DateTimeEx. These projects highlight my understanding of classes, inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, generics, and working with date and time.

Additionally, I have ventured into game development using Unity and C#, as seen in the Ball_game-Scripts, Ball Game, and The Reign of the Barrel Dragon projects. These projects showcase my ability to create immersive gameplay, design captivating levels, implement game mechanics, handle player input, and create visually appealing 3D environments.

Furthermore, I have demonstrated my problem-solving skills by tackling challenges such as exception handling in the TryCatch_Capp project, scene loading in Unity, and creating smooth transitions between scenes in various projects.

Overall, this portfolio represents my versatility as a developer and my ability to apply programming concepts in different contexts. It showcases my proficiency in console application development, object-oriented programming, game development, and problem-solving, making me a well-rounded developer ready to take on diverse projects.