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Game Development Projects

Catacomb Quest v.1

Catacomb Quest, a product of Unreal Engine 5 and meticulous C++ scripting, delivers an immersive puzzle adventure. Trapped within a catacomb, players must unravel intricate challenges to escape. The foundation of this captivating world rests on expertly crafted scripts that showcase an array of programming skills.

Key scripting achievements include a dynamic system governing wall openings and door closures based on object activation. These scripts highlight object-oriented programming with class inheritance, component-based architecture for modular gameplay, and effective event handling through overlap detection and event broadcasting.

The game's mechanics and level design reflect the finesse of scripting, presenting diverse puzzles grounded in physics simulations, collision handling, and vector calculations. Debugging proficiency is evident through tools like UE_LOG and DrawDebugLine, ensuring a seamless experience.

Efficient memory management and object interaction are masterfully handled with pointers and references, while control flow employs well-structured conditionals and loops. Integration of UE5's APIs, such as GetOwner() and GetPhysicsHandle(), underscores a deep understanding of the engine.

In summary, Catacomb Quest is a testament to the synergy of C++ scripting and Unreal Engine 5. These scripts embody programming excellence, powering engaging gameplay mechanics and showcasing a comprehensive grasp of the engine's capabilities. The game not only offers captivating entertainment but also stands as a tribute to skillful C++ implementation and the art of crafting immersive gaming experiences.

Play the game here!

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Click Here to review the C++ scripts